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Click the link with the arrow to contribute to the specified fund. If recurring donations have been set up for a fund, a "Schedule Donation" link will appear for that fund. Click the Schedule Donation link to make a recurring donation.
On Monday, February 6, 2023, a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck southeast Turkey and northern Syria, followed a few hours later by a second 7.5 magnitude earthquake. More than 20,000 people have been killed and the toll keeps rising. The earthquakes resulted in extensive damage and trapped families under mountains of wreckage. One hundred percent of your disaster relief donation will be forwarded to 501(c)3 organizations that operate in the affected areas.
The Syrian American Club is proud to offer numerous programs, social events, and community outreach efforts to its members. In addition, we are proud to have a beautiful facility, the Al-Sham Center, to host events and meetings throughout the year. The Board operates on a completely volunteer basis, and your donations help support our efforts. Please consider making a donation to support these initiatives and programs. This is a 100% tax-deductible donation.
Pledge donors are special to the Syrian-American Club due to their recurring dedication to the organization. They know that ongoing support is the only way to sustain the mission and vision of the club. We are proud of our pledge donors and honor them with a special plaque at the Al-Sham Center. Become a pledge donor today and build the future of our community!
Support the local refugee population in the Greater Houston area by donating to a specific Refugee Fund earmarked solely for refugee needs. The fund assists with refugee needs such as clothing, rent, furniture, transportation, medical expenses and more.
Over the past twenty-five years, the Syrian American Club has granted in excess of 408 semester scholarships to deserving and accomplished college students. Much of our scholarship funding comes from an annual Scholarship Endowment Gala that we typically hold every year. This year, however, we have had to cancel our annual gala due to the unfortunate Covid-19 pandemic.We have, nevertheless, decided to continue with our scholarship program to maintain our support to our community during these difficult times.